Healthy Skin Blog

Sharing experiences that involve skin health, ageless beauty and total well-being.

GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY – DAY 1: Walk for 1 hour

GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY – DAY 1: Walk for 1 hour

While Global Wellness Day might look a little different in 2020, the message is the same – a day dedicated to worldwide wellness and community, even at a distance.

We hope you enjoy this blog-a-day countdown honoring the 7 Steps of the Global Wellness Day Manifesto and how you can incorporate them into your daily lives all year long. Thank you to GWD founder Belgin Askoy and Gloria Treister for their inspiration and efforts for this noble cause! Learn more at

One Day Can Change Your Whole Life!

What can increase fitness, reduce excess body fat, strengthen bones, and boost endurance? Walking can!

Walking is one form of exercise that almost everyone can do. Whether you power walk with a friend, stroll through the park, or walk your dog around your neighborhood, getting moving each day is valuable for better physical and mental health.

Here are a few tips to help incorporate walking into your daily routine – and keep it there!

1. Schedule It

Make a plan and stick with it. Mark your “walking appointment” with yourself on your calendar, just like you would an important meeting. When you have the time pre-scheduled, it provides motivation to get out there and enjoy some fresh air and movement.

2. Keep Your Walking Shoes Handy

It is easier to stick to good habits when you have all that you need at your fingertips. And if you keep an extra pair of walking shoes in your car, you may find an opportunity to fit an extra 10-minute walk into your day.

3. Take a Different Path

Try taking a different path each time you go out for a walk to change things up a bit. It will challenge your body with different terrains and engage your senses with new scenery.

4. Walk Like You are in a Hurry

Add a little pep to your step. Once you warm up and stretch, get your pace going like you are late for a meeting (but without the stress). It will feel good to get your heart rate elevated and see how much you can improve your pace each time you walk.

5. Break it Up

If one long walk doesn’t work in your schedule, try squeezing in several shorter outings throughout your day – the more the better. Any walk is better than no walk at all!

6. Make it a Challenge

To satisfy your competitive spirit, challenge a friend with the number of steps you can achieve each day or even the number of minutes you log! Or try to top your own record each week and reward yourself with a special healthy treat.

Be sure to replenish and support muscle recovery after walking or any physical activity by drinking plenty of fluids, taking a series of deep breaths, and applying a soothing balm like FuB Balm to feet and legs after showering. Your body will thank you – for the walk and the balm!

KERSTIN FLORIAN Aromatherapy Fuß Balm
KERSTIN FLORIAN Aromatherapy Fuß Balm $38


Remember to join us on Global Wellness Day, Saturday, June 13th! Share
your walking experiences this week and inspire others to get moving and incorporate regular exercise into their day.

#skincarebutik #kerstinflorian #andaskincare #GlobalWellnessDay #gwdusa #WellnessAtHome #RegularExercise #fourcornerstones

Credits: Kerstin Florian.


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