Healthy Skin Blog

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GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY – DAY 6: Have a family dinner

GLOBAL WELLNESS DAY – DAY 6: Have a family dinner

While Global Wellness Day might look a little different in 2020, the message is the same – a day dedicated to worldwide wellness and community, even at a distance.

We hope you enjoy this blog-a-day countdown honoring the 7 Steps of the Global Wellness Day Manifesto and how you can incorporate them into your daily lives all year long. Thank you to GWD founder Belgin Askoy and Gloria Treister for their inspiration and efforts for this noble cause! Learn more at

One Day Can Change Your Whole Life!

There’s nothing quite like connecting over a shared meal with the people you love. It’s a simple activity that when done consistently provides a tremendous amount of wellness benefits to everyone involved at any age or stage of life. Of course, proper nutrition matters – choosing healthy, balanced meals including leafy greens, whole grains and lean proteins make the most of mealtime physically. But there are many benefits of coming together for a meal beyond the physical as well.

Family mealtime can:

  • provide a sense of family unity and identity.
  • ensure regular face-to-face communication and interaction.
  • offer time to unplug, put away phones and focus on one another.
  • be an opportunity to celebrate life’s little victories, giving and receiving support and encouragement.

Families with young children enjoy a whole other set of benefits, such as:

  • providing regular structure and routine to a child’s day, which in turn builds security.
  • allowing parents an opportunity to check in with their children’s moods, behaviors, and daily activities in school or in sports.
  • offering adults an opportunity to model healthy eating choices and habits.

Research has shown that kids who regularly enjoy family mealtimes have better academic performance, higher self-esteem, lower rates of depression, a lower risk of substance abuse, and even reduced likelihood of developing eating disorders and obesity.

And it’s not just the kids who benefit. Sharing a meal creates stronger and more satisfying personal connections for all involved. Parents feel more connected to their children; all members contribute to a family vision, history and cultural values; and family memories and stories are created and kept alive for generations to come.

Whether you’re a burgeoning chef that loves to create masterpieces in the kitchen or someone who tosses together a simple, nourishing meal or smoothie, setting aside time to gather your busy family members in one spot and share your “highs” and “lows” over a meal is a loving wellness activity that benefits everyone.

Remember to join us on Global Wellness Day, Saturday, June 13th for an amazing day of FREE ONLINE activities.

#kerstinflorian #andaskincare #globalwellnessday #gwdusa #wellnessathome #Familydinner #healthyeating #propernutrition #fourcornerstones

Credits: Kerstin Florian.


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